This is the week for most of us. All of the holiday vacationers are back in the office. It’s no longer “New Years” it’s “just” 2025. And I’m fine with that. The Christmas decorations are down. College football is winding down. NFL playoffs begin next week. OK so if you’re not a sports fan, then how about a January fan?
Companies have yearly kickoff meetings in the coming weeks. Big plans, reorgs announced with some, and hopefully for many, accelerated hiring. Optimism reigns as New Year’s resolutions still hold most of our fancies. At least for those of us ambitious enough to write some goals down that we intend to pursue in the year ahead.
Like many of you, I’m super excited to focus on the year ahead. I have so many wonderful people who continue to support the Sub you are reading now. In addition, Big' G’s YT channel is approaching 1,000,000 views!I truthfully did not thing we would ever come close to those numbers. If you’d like to be a member of Big G’s Pack Family check us out here. We started the channel more than a year ago. Our only goal is to bring joy to the pack one view at a time.
You can expect many exciting things here on the Sub in 25. We’ll keep you updated on our Video Production Business, TD & Big G Productions. You’ll get the latest on my Book GoodNight Mom & Dad: How Families Care for Terminally Ill Parents. And oc=f course I’ll keep answering your questions on all of the above.
Blessings to you and yours in the year ahead.
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