
Medical Management

Overcoming the confusion of prescription

If your familiar with GoodNight, you know our journey into the care of a terminally ill parent begins with medical care For my family, there was a significant learning curve in two areas. First we had to absorb the introduction of the actual physiology of brain cancer. This wasn’t a test that we could study for and pass. It was communication from Mom’s primary care physician on details of her tumor. It became so confusing for me that I lost interest in trying to understand it. That may sound harsh. But I was blessed with lots of family support. A couple of my siblings were very good at relaying the medical terminology to the rest of us. They grew into the role of medical information officer. That also included the second piece of her medical care which was the actual medicine used in her treatment.

I remember one visit at Mom’s apartment. There were so many medications. For most of them, I had no idea what they were or what they were intended to do. It was so overwhelming that I gave up trying to understand them. The rest of the family picked up the slack on administering the meds. I focused on emotional support for Mom ang helping with the cleaning of the apartment. I’ll write more about that in future posts.

I’ll conclude today’s post with a reflection on the ballons in the sky in the video. I picked that video to remind myself, (and you) look up and think of the bigger picture as you care for your parent. Find what you do well in caring for your parent, do as much of that as you can.

Blessing, Peace & Love,


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